
Tips and Tools

What’s the secret to a happy life? The research says it’s your relationships! But how do you create the connection, joy and ease you crave? The secret is to think about your relationships in a whole new way. Read on for science-based education and actionable tools to make all your relationships the best they’ve ever been (especially the one with yourself).

How to Stop Being Distracted (PODCAST EPISODE 68)

How to Stop Being Distracted (PODCAST EPISODE 68)

True story of me leaving my house for work: I grab my keys, phone, bag and thermos. I lock all the locks and walk outside to get to my car. As my feet hit the concrete, I’m aware that something is off; that something doesn’t seem right. I walk another few steps before...

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Four Ways to Be More Self-Aware (PODCAST EPISODE 67)

Four Ways to Be More Self-Aware (PODCAST EPISODE 67)

People who are self-aware are more fulfilled, have stronger relationships, are more creative, more confident and better communicators. They’re less likely to lie, cheat or steal and they do better at work and are more promotable (all according to the research).  ...

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