Tips and Tools
What’s the secret to a happy life? The research says it’s your relationships! But how do you create the connection, joy and ease you crave? The secret is to think about your relationships in a whole new way. Read on for science-based education and actionable tools to make all your relationships the best they’ve ever been (especially the one with yourself).

If You Want Your Partner to Change, Do This (PODCAST EPISODE 52)
My friend and colleague, Tess Brigham, always says, “If you don’t want to live on a farm in Idaho, don’t marry an Idaho farmer.” I totally agree! People are who they are, right at the beginning of any relationship. I don’t necessarily mean those first few dates when...

The 5 Step Formula for Getting to Consensus (PODCAST EPISODE 51)
Decision-making in relationships can be tough. Often, the individuals in a partnership end up coming out of any deliberation thinking they’ve given up more than their partner. There’s a feeling of someone winning and someone losing instead of a shared resolution. This...

How Attached Are You in Your Relationship? (PODCAST EPISODE 48)
In the 1940s, John Bowlby, a developmental psychologist and psychiatrist was interested in what happened when children and caregivers were separated for brief or longer amounts of time. He believed that how we attached to these caregivers affected our sense of...

How to Make Your Partner Feel Like a Priority (PODCAST EPISODE 47)
To understand how to make your partner feel like a priority, you first have to think about how you know you’re a priority to your own partner. When I gave a quick survey to my tribe, here are some of the answers I received: My partner taking my needs into...

How to be Heard in Any Relationship (PODCAST EPISODE 45)
Does any of this sound familiar? “You’re not listening to me!” “You misunderstood what I said!” “We just discussed this last yesterday – how could you forget already?!” Or, have you ever been chatting with someone and kind of “woke up” in the middle of the...
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