Tips and Tools
What’s the secret to a happy life? The research says it’s your relationships! But how do you create the connection, joy and ease you crave? The secret is to think about your relationships in a whole new way. Read on for science-based education and actionable tools to make all your relationships the best they’ve ever been (especially the one with yourself).

Top 8 Tips for Great Mornings (Even Though You Have Kids) (PODCAST EPISODE 15)
Are mornings the bane of your existence? Is there nothing but fighting, yelling, rushing and crying (not to mention how the kids act)? Here are the top 8 tips for creating connection and love in your mornings. Tip #1: Set Your Intention Generally, there’s a “tone” in...

Bad Questions are Ruining Your Relationship
Tell me if this scene is familiar to you. You walk in the house and your partner is cooking dinner, watching TV or at their computer. You say, “Hey, I’m home.” They don’t stop what they’re doing or even look up, but yell out, “How was your day?” You yell back...

Here’s Why You’re Upset in Your Relationships (PODCAST EPISODE 16)
Over 2000 years ago, Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said, “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” What he was saying, that’s still true...

Change Your Language, Change Your Relationship: My Top 5 Tips
We've become a society BIG on words: we talk, tweet, post, text and email. Literally, thousands of words fly out of our mouths and fingertips daily. Recent studies from the University of Arizona found that we speak about 16,000 words per day (there's no...

Communication Styles in Love Relationships (PODCAST EPISODE 11)
Most couples come to my office saying they want to work on “communication.” I’ve got to tell you, that’s a verybroad topic. There are so many facets of effective communication so please understand that there’s no cookie cutter for this. That’s why I’m all about giving...
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