The WorkFit Program
The overall goal of the WorkFit Program is to create healthy mental fitness at work so individuals can move from overwhelmed, disconnected and exhausted to calm, energized and confident. The biggest benefit is that the concepts learned here will not only greatly improve your work life, but your personal life as well.
The WorkFit program is offered in a variety of ways. For example, I can facilitate a two-hour training once a week for six to eight weeks, or your team can attend an all-day seminar. You can pick and choose modules or they can be built for you depending on your needs. All modules are grounded in evidence-based research and my over 30 years of experience working with leaders, managers, teams and individuals.
All modules include education and specific, actionable techniques to integrate the learnings into everyday work and life. This is all done in an interactive format that’s big on enthusiasm and low on PowerPoints.
Module 1: Attention Training
Ask any leader, “What’s the most valuable asset at your organization?” and they’ll likely answer: “The employees.” That answer is incorrect. The most valuable asset at your organization is each employees’ attention. Time management problems are essentially attention management problems. Learning the key skills around attention training (aka: mindfulness) will not only increase ROI, but research also shows that it will increase employee retention, job satisfaction, productivity and creativity. There’s a reason that great leaders from Ray Dalio to Steve Jobs to Richard Branson, all credited attention training to their business success.
This is the only module that’s required because all others build on this one.
Module 2: Effective Communication Strategies
The reason so many communication strategies fail is because the real problem isn’t addressed, which is competition. Conscious or unconscious competition among team members and coworkers is the underlying reason strategies haven’t worked before. In this module, participants learn how to avoid this pitfall and how to shift their communication style to one that’s effective and productive using my top 10 communication tools.
Included in this module, my process for how to listen without getting defensive or upset.
Module 3: Dealing with Conflict at Work
Whether you’re a conflict avoider, someone who relishes conflict or somewhere in between, this module teaches the five main dysfunctions of work teams, how to identify and cope with triggers, and how to view conflict as an opportunity.
In addition, if you’ve ever caught yourself trying to convince someone to understand your idea or viewpoint, you’ll learn the evidence-based technique (called motivational interviewing) to not only get others on the same page, but to even think your idea was theirs.
Module 4: Learned Optimism, Growth Mindset and Resiliency
The research shows that optimism is a core of resiliency, a critical trait in any organization. In this module, participants will take the “Learned Optimism Test” and learn ways to move specific pessimistic attitudes towards more optimistic and resilient ones.
In addition, participants will learn the importance of having a growth, versus a fixed mindset, based on the ground-breaking work of Carol Dweck.
Module 5: Changing Habits
Healthy habits are the core of not only a productive work environment, but a happy life. Participants will learn what willpower really is and how it plays into habits and productivity. They’ll also understand why their attempts at changing habits have failed in the past and the effective process to create new habits that stick for the long-term.
Module 6: Effective Strategies for Coping with Stress and Anxiety
The coping strategies to effectively deal with stress are not the same as the ones used for anxiety; This is the core reason many people have failed when applying techniques in the past. In this module participants will learn why they do what they do from a biological perspective and actionable ways to effectively cope with both stress and anxiety.
Module 7: The Five Steps to Thriving
It is absolutely possible to live a calm, enthusiastic and joyful life, no matter how busy our jobs and personal lives have become. In this module, participants learn my five-step model for creating positive momentum each and every day while finding inspiration to permanently change their lives for the better. This module also includes participants creating an individual mission statement so they can find ways to become integrated humans at home and at work.
Module 8: Creating Healthy Boundaries
Poor boundaries are one of the biggest issues in work environments. When people have poor boundaries, they’re less productive and end up feeling resentful, angry and can even become passive aggressive: all destructive traits in a work environment. Learning to create healthy boundaries and how to say no effectively are key traits of successful leaders, managers and employees. In this module, participants will learn how to create boundaries, how to keep them, and how to effectively detach from other’s negative emotions.