Anastasia Frank Interview: You’ve Got to Love Yourself if You Want a Great Relationship (PODCAST EPISODE 38)

Top Take-A-Ways:

In my amazing interview with Self-Love and Relationship Coach, Anastasia Frank, you’ll learn about the 4 pillars of self-love and strategies for bringing big love into your life. 

Anastasia is a Self-Love & Relationship Coach who works with individuals and couples to build their most connected, joyful, and love-filled lives yet. Through her “ABUNDANT LOVE” Program, Anastasia works with clients to build radical levels of self-love as the foundation for creating soul-satisfying partnerships, joyful relationships in every area, and abundant lives filled with profound levels of joy, pleasure & purpose.

Anastasia is also a Certified Conscious UncouplingTM and Calling in “The One”® Coach, personally trained by New York Times bestselling author, Katherine Woodward Thomas. She excels at helping people in the aftermath of breakups or divorce, as well as couples who are “fine” but ultimately crave a deeper sense of passionate connection.

She just produced the “Healthy Love Online Show” in which she interviews 30+ leading experts in the field of joyful, connected love, including Drs. Gay & Katie Hendricks, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Dr. Sue Johnson, Dr. Margaret Paul, and Dr. Rick Hanson.

Resources and Links:

We talked about the amazing Katherine Woodward Thomas. You can find out more about her here:

You can find out more about Anastasia & her work at


Anastasia’s E-book: “10 Practices to Reclaim Your Power, Build Your Self-Love, & Start Kicking Ass in a Major Way!


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