
Tips and Tools

What’s the secret to a happy life? The research says it’s your relationships! But how do you create the connection, joy and ease you crave? The secret is to think about your relationships in a whole new way. Read on for science-based education and actionable tools to make all your relationships the best they’ve ever been (especially the one with yourself).

Dealing with Triggers (PODCAST EPISODE 35)

Dealing with Triggers (PODCAST EPISODE 35)

If you walk by a bakery and smell cinnamon, you might be triggered to walk in and get yourself a sweet snack. When you walk into your home after a long day at work and your partner asks you a question, you might be triggered to get defensive or resentful. “Why is he...

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No More Date Nights (PODCAST EPISODE 32)

No More Date Nights (PODCAST EPISODE 32)

When I go to restaurants I like to check out the people around me to see who’s on a good first date (I can tell because there’s much hair tossing, attentiveness, laughter, active conversation and quick touches to the arm); and then I like to look for who’s on the...

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