Parental or other familial estrangement is a real thing these days. And it’s more common than ever to block or cut off toxic friends or siblings. But is there a healthy way to cut people off so you can feel at peace with your decision and life? The short answer is, “Yes,” but you need to know the dos and don’ts. Today I’m coming at you with the three big mistakes people make when they’re cutting someone off and my five strategies for how to create healthier separations so you can find calm and ease in your relationships, even the ones you don’t keep anymore.
Resources for Is There a Healthy Way to Cut People Off?
Three Steps to Loving Detachment
Empathy in Relationships Is the Key to Connection and Communication
Boundaries Resources on
The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Hold Your Boundaries
Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy by Dr. Abby Medcalf