how to forgive

Did you know that forgiveness is a choice? In this week’s podcast episode, I interviewed Dr. Robert Enright, the man Time Magazine calls “the Forgiveness Trailblazer” and author of the book that changed my life, Forgiveness is a Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope. We’re digging into Dr. Enright’s evidence-based forgiveness model, what it means to forgive, and why you would want to forgive someone in the first place.

Here are some links about forgiveness from Dr. Enright:

The International Forgiveness Institute

The International Forgiveness Institute offers free forgiveness measures to assess adults’ forgiving others, forgiving the self, group forgiveness, and children’s forgiveness of others. Check out their free forgiveness scales here.


Follow Dr. Enright’s blog, “The Forgiving Life”

Learn more from Dr. Enright on his blog, “The Forgiving Life,” at the national magazine, Psychology Today.


Grab Dr. Enright’s books on forgiveness here:

Forgiveness is a Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope

The Forgiving Life: A Pathway to Overcoming Resentment and Creating a Legacy of Love


how to forgive class


Here’s a little more background on Dr. Enright:

Dr. Robert Enright holds the Aristotelian Professorship in Forgiveness Science within the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a licensed psychologist, and co-founder of the International Forgiveness Institute, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge about forgiveness and community renewal through forgiveness. He is the unquestioned pioneer in the scientific study of forgiveness, having published the first empirically-based journal article on person-to-person forgiveness in 1989. He has been called “the forgiveness trailblazer” by Time magazine and is often introduced as “the father of forgiveness research” because of his 36-year academic commitment to researching and implementing forgiveness programs. Dr. Enright is the author or editor of seven books and over 150 publications centered on social development and the psychology of forgiveness. He pioneered Forgiveness Therapy and developed an early intervention to promote forgiveness: the 20-step “Process Model of Forgiving.” His latest endeavors include forgiveness education for students in various world communities (for example, Iran, Israel, Monrovia, Northern Ireland, and the Philippines) and Forgiveness Therapy with those in correctional institutions, those who are without homes, and those who engage in road rage behaviors.

Resources on Forgiveness

Why Can’t I Forgive?

The 3 Strategies for Forgiveness

13 Tips to Forgiveness

The Freedom of Forgiveness



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