What do you do when an extended family member is creating a toxic atmosphere at family gatherings? How do you draw boundaries and feel seen and heard when dealing with toxic family relationships? I’m going deep on this question in today’s episode!
Ask Dr. Abby is the advice segment of the Relationships Made Easy podcast. Submit questions to [email protected]. (I keep it anonymous!)
In this episode, a listener from Ireland (we’ll call her Colleen) writes in with the following problem: Her husband was a secret drinker and he’s now gotten sober. While she’s been dealing with all that, his family has not been helpful and her husband’s sister has taken it to another level, creating a toxic atmosphere, especially at family gatherings. This sister-in-law has been acting inappropriately with Colleen and seems to be taking out her anger at her brother, on her! At best, she ignores Colleen and at worst, she is verbally angry and abusive. What should Colleen do?
Boundaries: How to Make Them and How to Hold Them