Why Body Image and Acceptance Can Be Tough: Five Steps to Make Peace with Your Body (Podcast Episode 318)

body image

If you’ve ever caught yourself poking at your belly or scrutinizing your thighs in the mirror, you’re not alone. Body image is something most of us grapple with, especially in a world obsessed with airbrushed perfection. But here’s the deal: you’re more than your body and learning to love the skin you’re in isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about living fully! Today we’ll discuss why body image can feel so complicated, what contributes to the way you see yourself, and, most importantly, five steps to help you start accepting your body (and yourself).

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Research and Resources for Why Body Image and Acceptance Can Be Tough: Five Steps to Make Peace with Your Body

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Martin, T. K., & Coolhart, D. (2019). “Because your dysphoria gets in the way of you…it affects everything.” The mental, physical, and relational aspects of navigating body dysphoria and sex for trans masculine people. Sexual and Relationship Therapy37(1), 82–99. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681994.2019.1696459

Grogan, S. (2021). Body Image: Understanding Body Dissatisfaction in Men, Women and Children (4th ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003100041

Woodward, K., McIlwain, D., & Mond, J. (2017). Feelings about the self and body in eating disturbances: The role of internalized shame, self-esteem, externalized self-perceptions, and body shame. Self and Identity18(2), 159–182. https://doi.org/10.1080/15298868.2017.1403373

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Akhator-Eneka, Nwife Azuka, The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Body Image Dissatisfaction in Adolescents: A Narrative Review (March 26, 2024). Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research 2024, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4860261

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Díaz de León Vázquez, C., & Unikel Santoncini, C. (2019). Parental negative weight/shape comments and their association with disordered eating behaviors: A systematic review. Mexican Journal of Eating Disorders10 (1), 134–147. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.20071523e.2019.1.572

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Lonergan, A. R., Bussey, K., Mond, J., Brown, O., Griffiths, S., Murray, S. B., & Mitchison, D. (2019). Me, my selfie, and I: The relationship between editing and posting selfies and body dissatisfaction in men and women. Body Image, 28, 39-43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bodyim.2018.12.001

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