How do you know if you really love someone? It bugs me when people say, “You’ll just know,” as if everyone experiences love so clearly with a bunch of birds flying in a circle above their head. Many people have written in asking that big question, “How do I know if I love someone?” and today I’m going to talk about what the research says, my top three ways to know if you’re really in love with someone and what I think about soul mates. So stay tuned!
Ask Dr. Abby is the advice segment of the Relationships Made Easy podcast. Submit questions to (I keep it anonymous!)
Hi Abby,
I wanted to submit a question for an Ask Dr. Abby episode: How do you know if you love someone? A little context: I never had a serious relationship, and I am seeing a guy at the moment and I am not sure if I love him, or if I just want to be with him because I want a relationship, or if I just want to be with him because I am scared of being alone, or if I am tricking myself that I am not sure I love him because of fear of rejection. I know this might be a very basic question but not sure what to do about it.
Thank you so much,
Marcella (name has been changed, as always, to protect the innocent)
Finding the Spark Again in Your Relationship (or for the First Time)
What to Do When the Honeymoon Phase Ends in Your Relationship
How Attached Are You in Your Relationship?
How 5 Minutes of Mindfulness a Day Can Make Your Relationship Great
How to Make Mindfulness a Habit
You’ve Got to Have High Standards and Low Expectations
How to Practice Loving Detachment
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