Should You Be Journaling? (Podcast Episode 237)


Back in the day, I thought journaling was either for those crunchy granola types or people wanting to grab a teddy bear and find their inner child, so it was something I decided early on wasn’t for me. But, like many things in life, I couldn’t have been more wrong! The research has shown that journaling can reduce depression, anxiety, and negative thoughts while also boosting your immune system and physical health! And it’s the cheapest form of therapy you’ll find! I’ve become a convert and I want to indoctrinate you too! Today, I’m going to teach you why you should be journaling and how to do it effectively.

Click here to read the full blog and show notes!

Resources for Should You Be Journaling?

The Secrets to Effectively Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: Part Two

How to Get Out of Negative Thinking

A Simple Hack to Shop Your Negative Thoughts

You Might Not Realize You’re Suffering from Unhealed Trauma

The Secret to Managing Your Emotions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Gratitude is a Gateway Drug

Empathy in Relationships is the Key to Connection and Communication

Closure: What it Really is and How to Get It

Research for Should You Be Journaling?

Klein K, Boals A. Expressive writing can increase working memory capacity. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2001 Sep;130(3):520-33. doi: 10.1037//0096-3445.130.3.520. PMID: 11561925.

Smyth JM, Johnson JA, Auer BJ, Lehman E, Talamo G, Sciamanna CN. Online Positive Affect Journaling in the Improvement of Mental Distress and Well-Being in General Medical Patients With Elevated Anxiety Symptoms: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial.

Thoele DG, Gunalp C, Baran D, Harris J, Moss D, Donovan R, Li Y, Getz MA. Health Care Practitioners and Families Writing Together: The Three-Minute Mental Makeover. Perm J. 2020;24:19.056. doi: 10.7812/TPP/19.056. Epub 2019 Nov 22. PMID: 31852046; PMCID:

Hasanzadeh P, Fallahi Khoshknab M, Norozi K. Impacts of Journaling on Anxiety and stress in Multiple Sclerosis patients. cmja 2012; 2 (2) :183-193

Sohal M, Singh P, Dhillon BS, Gill HS. Efficacy of journaling in the management of mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fam Med Community Health. 2022 Mar;10(1):e001154. doi: 10.1136/fmch-2021-001154. PMID: 35304431; PMCID: PMC8935176.

Stice E, Burton E, Bearman SK, Rohde P. Randomized trial of a brief depression prevention program: an elusive search for a psychosocial placebo control condition. Behav Res Ther. 2007 May;45(5):863-76. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2006.08.008. Epub 2006 Sep 27. PM

Baikie, K., & Wilhelm, K. (2005). Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 11(5), 338-346. doi:10.1192/apt.11.5.338

Pennebaker, J. W. (1997). Opening up: The healing power of expressing emotions (Rev. ed.). Guilford Press.

Ford BQ, Lam P, John OP, Mauss IB. The psychological health benefits of accepting negative emotions and thoughts: Laboratory, diary, and longitudinal evidence. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2018 Dec;115(6):1075-1092. doi: 10.1037/pspp0000157. Epub 2017 Jul 13. PMID

Gratitude: Why Practice It? Greater Good Magazine

Acar, D., & Dirik, G. (2019). A current paradigm: Written emotional disclosure. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 11(1), 65–79.

Therapeutic Journaling. VA Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation.

Smyth JM. Written emotional expression: effect sizes, outcome types, and moderating variables. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1998;66(1):174-184.

Frisina PG, Borod JC, Lepore SJ. A meta-analysis of the effects of written emotional disclosure on the health outcomes of clinical populations. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2004;192(9):629-634.

Sohal M, Singh P, Dhillon BS, Gill HS. Efficacy of journaling in the management of mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fam Med Community Health. 2022;10(1).

Frattaroli J (2006). Experimental disclosure and its moderators: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 2006;132:823.

Mogk C, Otte S, Reinhold-Hurley B, Kröner-Herwig B (2006). Health effects of expressive writing on stressful or traumatic experiences—a meta-analysis. GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine. 2006;3:1-9.

Smyth JM, Pennebaker JW (2008). Exploring the boundary conditions of expressive writing: In search of the right recipe. British Journal of Health Psychologyk. 2008;13:1-7.

Pavlacic JM, Buchanan EM, Maxwell NP, Hopke TG, Schulenberg SE. A meta-analysis of expressive writing on posttraumatic stress, posttraumatic growth, and quality of life. Review of General Psychology. 2019;23(2):230-250.

Gerger H, Werner CP, Gaab J, Cuijpers P. Comparative efficacy and acceptability of expressive writing treatments compared with psychotherapy, other writing treatments, and waiting list control for adult trauma survivors: A systematic review and network me

Reinhold M, Bürkner P, Holling H. Effects of expressive writing on depressive symptoms—A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 2018;25(1).

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