Love Talk


52 lessons to create connection, joy and ease in your relationship, even if your partner won’t do a thing


I’ve distilled over 35 years of my client’s successful strategies into this deck of cards. Here you’ll find 52 lessons, including tips and philosophies, to improve connection and shift towards love. This results in more effective communication, joy and ease with your partner. Practice these tools and new beliefs and you’ll see that big shifts can come in small, powerful doses.

There are many ways you can use this deck, but here are my suggestions:

    • Think of the deck as a year-long course. Start with card #1 and focus on the concept or skill consistently for a week. Then, each week, go to the next card and keep building your communication and connection practice.
    • Think of the deck as a daily course. Start with card #1 and focus on the concept or skill consistently for that day. Carry the card in your bag or place it prominently on your desk or refrigerator, anything to keep the concept front and center all day. Then, each day, go to the next card and keep building your communication and connection practice.
    • Close your eyes and shuffle the deck randomly as you think about your partner. What do you want to see more of? How would you like to feel in your relationship? Now lay the cards out, face down, in a fan and pick whatever card speaks to you. Whatever card you choose is where you want to put your focus that day. Each day (or whenever the mood strikes you), replace the card in the deck and go through the same process. You might pick the same card from the deck multiple times (which is amazing when you think about it) but, whatever it is, that’s your internal guidance system letting you know that this is the focus for this day or week.


Use the resources below to dive deeper into each lesson.

Lesson 1: Distraction is the termites eating at the foundation of your relationship
Lesson 2: Don’t SAC your relationship
Lesson 3: Do you want to be correct or effective?
Lesson 5: Use the I Feel Formula
Lesson 6: Your brain’s Reticular Activating System (RAS) is killing your relationship
Lesson 7: You’ve co-created your relationship
Lesson 8: The four questions that will transform your relationship
Lesson 9: Have high standards, but low expectations
Lesson 10: Your partner isn’t looking for a way out, they’re looking for a way in
Lesson 11: Set the conversation up for success
Lesson 12: Your partner doesn’t hear what you say, they hear what you mean
Lesson 13: Move neutral to positive
Lesson 14: Anger is always covering a deeper fear
Lesson 15: Love isn’t one single choice. It’s many choices
Lesson 16: Great relationships aren’t built in a day, great relationships are built daily
Lesson 17: Your relationship is a product of your attention
Lesson 18: Set intention often
Lesson 19: Be supportive, not codependent
Lesson 20: Make decisions in a triangle, not a line
Lesson 22: Focus on the real issue
Lesson 23: Don’t fight back, love back instead
Lesson 24: Stop saying, “I love you” for a week
Lesson 25: The key to boundaries is loving detachment
Lesson 26: No one can make you unhappy. That’s an inside job.
Lesson 27: Love is a behavior
Lesson 28: What you focus on grows
Lesson 29: Listen like you’re wrong
Lesson 30: See the tiger, don’t fix the tiger
Lesson 31: Improve your sex life with this one question
Lesson 32: Stop asking, “How are you?”
Lesson 33: Forgiveness is for you, not your partner
Lesson 34: You can’t have a love relationship based on fear
Lesson 35: Default to generosity
Lesson 36: Be what you want to see in the relationship
Lesson 37: Create visual reminders to love
Lesson 38: Unconditional acceptance is the key
Lesson 39: Love doesn’t hurt, your perceptions do
Lesson 40: Don’t assign meaning to what your partner does or doesn’t do
Lesson 41: Are you putting up walls or boundaries?
Lesson 42: The 3 keys to building trust in your relationship
Lesson 43: The one in the most pain needs to change first
Lesson 44: There are no victims in your relationship
Lesson 46: Keeping score in your relationship sets you both up to lose
Lesson 47: The biggest problem in your relationship isn’t communication; it’s competition
Lesson 48: There’s no mind reading in a relationship
Lesson 49: You can’t have a new relationship with an old story
Lesson 51: You connect with feelings, not thoughts
Lesson 52: Focus on learning something, not proving something

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