There’s a bunch of research out there showing that your relationship is worse off when you or your partner are under stress. A fight with your friend, money woes, that nasty commute, little Jimmy’s newly diagnosed gluten allergy, and those long work days, bleed over...
Want to have a connected, happy and fulfilled relationship? Here are the 8 habits you can start practicing today to be on your way: 1. Be Interested: pay attention to your partner. This might seem like a “no-brainer” but it’s very common for couples to be in the same...
‘ What constitutes cheating? There’s no “one” action that defines cheating. For example, I’m fine with porn in my own relationship. I can watch it, he can watch it and we can watch it together. However, for some of you listening right now you’re thinking: I...
One of the consistent reasons people walk in my door is because their partner cheated. The big question they always ask next is: How can I ever trust this person again? The good news is that the answer to this question isn’t as complicated as you think. At the end of...
If you walk by a bakery and smell cinnamon, you might be triggered to walk in and get yourself a sweet snack. When you walk into your home after a long day at work and your partner asks you a question, you might be triggered to get defensive or resentful. “Why is he...
Aphrodisiacs have been around probably as long as humans have been around. Take a look at Botticelli’s famous painting, Birth of Venus, and you can see why oysters have been linked to hot sex. When I was a teenager, people would talk about the turn-on Green M&M’s...
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