018 How Your Lizard Brain is Keeping you Stuck

018 How Your Lizard Brain is Keeping you Stuck

Today’s broadcast is packed with great information and specific tips based on your own “fear type” which I’m going to help you identify today and teach you great tools to break free and start living a connected, happy life…TODAY! What You’ll Learn Today: Why you react...
Have Sex Instead of a Drink

Have Sex Instead of a Drink

Your man calls you on his way home from work and mentions that he’s had a really hard day. You partner texts that she’s exhausted and you’ll need to bring home some take-out for dinner. Does this sound familiar? Often at the end of a long day at work, with kids, at...
Why You’re Upset in Your Relationships

Why You’re Upset in Your Relationships

 Over 2000 years ago, Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said, “If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” What he was saying, that’s still true...

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