Boundaries Made Easy: Your Roadmap to Connection, Ease and Joy




What I’ve come to learn in the last 35+ years of working with clients is that the answer to almost any question you ask about how to be happier or better skilled in some area of your life is to have and keep your boundaries.

Q: How can I feel more connected to my partner?
A: Boundaries

Q: How can I improve my communication skills?
A: Boundaries

Q: How can I be happier and more satisfied?
A: Boundaries

Q: How do I take control of my life?
A: Boundaries

Q: How can I feel less anxious or depressed?
A: Boundaries

Q: How can I find more confidence and ease with my family?
A: Boundaries

Q: How can I feel less overwhelmed and turn off my inner critic?
A: Boundaries

In this book you’ll learn:

  • What boundaries really are and why you’ve struggled with them in the past.
  • The nitty gritty of how to make real boundaries for yourself (most people miss some important steps).
  • The four keys to holding your boundaries.
  • Actionable tips and tools for all those situations where it’s hard to keep your boundaries intact (don’t you hate it when people won’t take no for an answer?).
  • The exact steps you need to take to build a healthier you.


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