Instead of Date Nights, Work on Micro-Connections

Instead of Date Nights, Work on Micro-Connections

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Great relationships aren’t built in a day. Great relationships are built daily. While date nights and vacations are wonderful, either we don’t do those often enough to keep emotional intimacy going, or there’s so much...
Instead of Date Nights, Work on Micro-Connections

Instead of Date Nights, Work on Micro-Connections

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Great relationships aren’t built in a day. Great relationships are built daily. While date nights and vacations are wonderful, either we don’t do those often enough to keep emotional intimacy going, or there’s so much...
Is it Love Bombing or Codependent Affection Flooding?

Is it Love Bombing or Codependent Affection Flooding?

Love bombing gets a lot of attention and is usually discussed alongside narcissism or when we discuss trauma bonding. But what I’ve seen more often in my over 35 years of experience is something I call Attention Flooding, which can look like love bombing, but its...
Is it Love Bombing or Codependent Affection Flooding?

Is it Love Bombing or Codependent Affection Flooding?

Love bombing gets a lot of attention and is usually discussed alongside narcissism or when we discuss trauma bonding. But what I’ve seen more often in my over 35 years of experience is something I call Attention Flooding, which can look like love bombing, but its...

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