Complaining is as Bad for You as Bacon (PODCAST EPISODE 55)

Complaining is as Bad for You as Bacon (PODCAST EPISODE 55)

Some research shows that people complain once a minute during a typical conversation. Why the heck do we complain? The simple answer: because it feels good.  If you’re not happy in your relationship, complaining can become a really nasty habit. Not only is complaining...
How to Figure Out the Real Cause of a Problem (PODCAST EPISODE 54)

How to Figure Out the Real Cause of a Problem (PODCAST EPISODE 54)

What You’ll Learn Today: A great tool for figuring out the real or “root cause” of a problem in your relationship or life Top Take-A-Ways: In the business world we have lots of great tools for what we call “Root Cause Analysis” or RCA. This is usually part of quality...

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