Meditation Starter Kit




“I’ve tried to meditate before, and I just can’t do it!”

“I don’t really understand what meditation is or how to do it.”

If you’ve ever said one of these statements, then the Meditation Starter Kit is for you!

There are three big reasons most people think they fail when they first try to meditate:

  1. Your expectations are too high. If you were to play tennis for the very first time, would you expect to play like Serena Williams? Of course not. Well, meditation is no different. We call meditation a practice, because that’s what it is. Like any other new skill, the more you practice, the better you’ll get.
  2. You bite off more than you can chew. Often people try meditations that are too long when first starting out. The quick, three-minute meditation in this starter kit is a great place to start and it’s a guided meditation. Shorter, guided meditations like this are the absolute best way to start. You’re going to find yourself easily meditating because I stay with you through the three minutes, helping you practice this new skill.
  3. You think it’s something it’s not. Meditation isn’t the state of being in unknowing bliss. It’s actually the place where your mind wanders, you notice it, and then you bring it back to focus on the here and now. Meditation is literally when you focus on something. Nothing more, nothing less so there’s no one right way to do it.


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