Mindfulness Starter Kit




I’ve been working with people for over 35 years and if you asked me what the ONE tool was to really change your life – the one tool that would be worth your attention above all else – the one tool that my clients say is a game changer … it’s mindfulness. If you’ve been listening to my podcast or reading the articles on my website, you know that I preach mindfulness like it’s my job because it works! 

Here’s what you’ll get in this starter kit:  

  • The research-backed benefits of mindfulness 
  • How it applies in real life to stop arguments and feelings of frustrations and helplessness 
  • How to make mindfulness a consistent habit, and 
  • 18 quick and easy tips to easily incorporate mindfulness into your daily practice  

Be mindful is a relatively small change that I KNOW will have an enormous positive impact on your relationships and life when you make it a habit.  

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