This is one of those times when my education in both counseling and organizational psychology, as well as my many years of experience with clients who were working together, all dovetails perfectly. If you want to have a successful business with your partner while...
I get asked two questions a lot: First, how do you get so much done every day? And second, how do you seem so happy all the time? The answer to both questions is the same: I owe it all to my morning routine. Today I’m going to take you through my easy to adopt,...
The latest research suggests that taking the time to experience awe, whether that’s rocking out to a great song, hiking to a beautiful view or having a great belly laugh with your toddler, can help you improve your relationships, decrease your stress and negative...
I always say that wherever you end your current relationship is where you’ll begin the next one. So if it’s time to end your relationship, you want to do it the healthiest way possible. Today I’m sharing my seven tips for ending a relationship the right way so you can...
We hear a lot about honesty in relationships but what does that really mean? Do you have to share everything? And how do you share your truth so the other person listens and doesn’t become defensive? Today I’m teaching you my top three tips for being honest so you can...
In the last three decades I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t when it comes to happy, connected relationships and effective communication. Being the 200th episode of the podcast, I thought it would be the perfect time to recap my top ten tools for...
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