It seems like the definition of friends and family would be “people who have your back, no matter what.” Sadly, that’s not often how it feels when they say things like: “I don’t know why you married that man” “Don’t leave your job! You’ve got benefits and security!”...
Is your inner voice an asshole? Do you routinely say things to yourself like: “Why can’t you ever speak up for yourself?” “Why do you always mess up?” “Yeah, the boss said I did a great job on that project, but she was just being nice” “What’s wrong with me?” “I’m...
Want the more in-depth version? Click here to read the blog! For some reason, the culture in the United States is one where we believe that touching someone outside our relationship is more dangerous than sharing our deepest secrets and feelings with someone outside...
Are you stressing because your partner has thrown around words like divorce, break up, trial separation, maybe we should see other people, I’m just not happy or I need to take a break? Well, the cavalry is here! I’ve got you! What can or should you be doing if your...
Self-sabotage can show up in any relationship: with our partner, boss, friend or, the one that hurts the most, in our relationship with ourselves! When you self-sabotage you’re holding yourself back from the person you want to be. Today I’m going to teach you why you...
Superman did it, but you can’t. The past is unchangeable. Period. End of story. The could’ve and should’ve clearly doesn’t help, but we do it anyway. We regret. What’s up with this destructive pattern and how do we change it? Today, I’m going to walk you through my...
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