So, I’ve said this a lot of times now. Don’t SAC your relationship. Don’t make Suggestions, offer Advice or Criticize. The reaction I get most often to this is, “What? So I can never tell my partner, mother, coworker (insert person who is annoying you here) anything...
Last week I told you that to be happy in your life and relationship, you needed to keep your standards high and your expectations low. We went over how to identify your standards and how to keep those boundaries. This week is all about those pesky expectations in your...
Today I’m going to talk about why you need to have high standards and low expectations. The big problem is that most people have it reversed. They have low standards but high expectations. In other words, most people will accept all kinds of bad behavior from other...
If I had to write down the number one complaint I hear from my clients it would be: “But I just can’t stop thinking about it.” You can help how you think and you can change it, but it’s going to take some focused attention. Today I’m going to teach you: The four...
Are you ready to start 2020 off with a bang? Are you ready to get out of the roommate rut with your partner? Today I’m interviewing Candice Smith, a Harvard-educated sex educator and intimacy expert. After dealing with sexlessness in her own relationship, she created...
Today I’m going to teach you the tools to not only survive the holiday season with your family but to thrive through that season with my Three-Step Process. Step One: Be Prepared Before You Go There are 3 specific things you need to do before you walk into that...
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