Whether you’re thinking of moving in or tying the knot, there are some things you’ve got to get clear before that big day if you want a long, successful relationship. In my almost four decades of working with couples, I’m amazed at how many questions aren’t asked or...
We have to have them, but we don’t like them: difficult conversations. Even if you’re someone who’s more comfortable with conflict, no one really likes to have an exchange that you believe is going to make you or the other person uncomfortable, angry or sad. Whether...
Are you wondering if you’re staying in a relationship for the right reasons? Maybe you’ve been waffling back and forth wondering if this relationship is healthy. How do you know if you’re staying because it’s truly right for you or if you’re in your relationship for...
We’ve all been there. You’re trying to express your feelings and then your partner gets angry and defensive and says, “What about my feelings?!” Or maybe you’re trying to assert yourself with a usually bossy friend by saying you’d actually rather see a different movie...
There’s one tool that will improve your relationships. It’s not hard to do and it creates emotional connection and trust in seconds. It’s all about something called “bids.” Today I’m going to teach you what they are (your partner, kids and friends have been making...
How do you know if you really love someone? It bugs me when people say, “You’ll just know,” as if everyone experiences love so clearly with a bunch of birds flying in a circle above their head. Many people have written in asking that big question, “How do I know if I...
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