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Check out our library below for past episodes.
If you’re ready to be happy with yourself, your life, and your relationships, start listening now!
Episode # | Title | Blog Post | Show Notes |
1 | Three Lies Keeping You Stuck in Relationship Gridlock | 1 blog post | N/A |
2 | Keeping Score Makes You Lose | 2 blog post | N/A |
3 | Thinking Your Day Has 24 Hours is Wrong | 3 blog post | N/A |
4 | Self Awareness is the Most Important Thing in Your Relationship | 4 blog post | N/A |
5 | How to Effectively Deal with Conflict in Your Relationship | click here to listen | N/A |
6 | The Importance of Answering Bids in Your Relationship | 6 blog post | N/A |
7 | How Your Language is F*$#!ing Up Your Relationship | click here to listen | N/A |
8 | Stop Phubbing and Start Connecting | 8 blog post | N/A |
9 | Are You Codependent? | click here to listen | N/A |
10 | How to Get Out of Being Angry in Your Relationships | click here to listen | N/A |
11 | What’s Your Communication Style in Your Relationship? | 11 blog post | N/A |
12 | The 5 Secrets to Never Fighting with Your Partner Again | 12 blog post | N/A |
13 | 5 Signs You’re in an Unhealthy Relationship | 13 blog post | N/A |
14 | The 5-Step Process for Getting out of Analysis Paralysis | 14 blog post | 14 show notes |
15 | 8 Tips for Making Mornings Great (Even if You Have Kids) | 15 blog post | N/A |
16 | Why You Get Upset in Your Relationship | 16 blog post | N/A |
17 | Have Sex, Not a Drink | 17 blog post | N/A |
18 | How Your Lizard Brain is Keeping You Stuck | 18 blog post | 18 show notes |
19 | Make Your Relationship Awesome by Focusing on Bright Spots | 19 blog post | N/A |
20 | The Seven Beliefs About Money that Are Hurting Your Relationship | 20 blog post | N/A |
21 | My Top 6 Holiday RelationTips! | 21 blog post | N/A |
22 | Have a Couples Business Meeting | 22 blog post | N/A |
23 | What to Look for in a Couple’s Counselor | 23 blog post | N/A |
24 | It’s Not Time Management, it’s Attention Management | 24 blog post | N/A |
25 | Getting the Sizzle Back in Your Relationship | 25 blog post | N/A |
26 | The Truth About Setting Relationship Goals | 26 blog post | N/A |
27 | The 3 Keys to Building Trust in Your Relationship | 27 blog post | N/A |
28 | How to Deal with Your Control Issues | 28 blog post | N/A |
29 | What to Do if Your Partner is Controlling | 29 blog post | N/A |
30 | Boundaries: How to Make Them and How to Hold Them | 30 blog post | N/A |
31 | Fall in Love with Your Partner Again | 31 blog post | N/A |
32 | No More Date Nights | 32 blog post | 32 show notes |
33 | Finding the Spark Again (or for the First Time) | 33 blog post | N/A |
34 | Safe to Love Again: Interview with Gary Salyer | N/A | 34 show notes |
35 | Are You Being Triggered in Your Relationship? | 35 blog post | N/A |
36 | Can I ever trust my partner again if they cheated? | 36 blog post | N/A |
37 | What to Do and Not Do if Your Partner Cheats | 37 blog post | N/A |
38 | You’ve Got to Love Yourself First if You Want a Great Relationship | N/A | 38 show notes |
39 | The 8 Habits of Happy and Successful Couples | 39 blog post | N/A |
40 | How to Stop Stress from Hurting Your Relationship | 40 blog post | N/A |
41 | What Anxiety Really Is and How to Stop It | 41 blog post | N/A |
42 | Launching Your Twentysomething with Tess Brigham | 42 blog post | 42 show notes |
43 | The Secret to Changing (Relationship) Habits | 43 blog post | N/A |
44 | Relationship ESP: A Conversation with Ken Blackman | N/A | 44 show notes |
45 | How to be Heard in Your Relationship | 45 blog post | N/A |
46 | How to Bring Spirituality to Your Relationship with TJ Woodward | N/A | 46 show notes |
47 | How to Make Your Partner a Priority | 47 blog post | N/A |
48 | How Attached Are You to Your Partner? | 48 blog post | N/A |
49 | Effective Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Relationships | click here to listen | N/A |
50 | Male/Female Understanding: An Interview with Robert Kandell | N/A | 50 show notes |
51 | The 5-Step Formula for Getting to Consensus | 51 blog post | N/A |
52 | If You Want Your Partner to Change, Do This | 52 blog post | N/A |
Episode # | Title | Blog Post | Show Notes |
53 | Getting Your Sexy Back in the Kitchen with Kiele Jael | N/A | 53 show notes |
54 | How to Figure Out the Real Cause of a Problem | 54 blog post | 54 show notes |
55 | Complaining Is as Bad for You as Bacon | 55 blog post | 55 show notes |
56 | Feng Shui Your Relationship with Patricia Lohan | N/A | 56 show notes |
57 | Change Your Feelings with This One Easy Tool | 57 blog post | 57 show notes |
58 | How the Law of Attraction Works in Your Relationship | 58 blog post | 58 show notes |
59 | How to Manage Money in Every Stage of Your Relationship | N/A | 59 show notes |
60 | The Real Problem in Your Relationship | 60 blog post | 60 show notes |
61 | Keeping Score Stops You From Connecting | N/A | 61 show notes |
62 | Relationships Aren’t Fair | 62 blog post | 62 show notes |
63 | Being Happy for Your Partner = A Happy Relationship | 63 blog post | 63 show notes |
64 | How 5 Minutes of Mindfulness a Day Can Make Your Relationship Great! | 64 blog post | 64 show notes |
65 | Distraction is the Termites Eating at the Foundation of Your Relationship | 65 blog post | 65 show notes |
66 | How to Make Mindfulness a Habit | 66 blog post | 66 show notes |
67 | Four Ways to Be More Self-Aware | 67 blog post | 67 show notes |
68 | How to Stop Being Distracted | 68 blog post | 68 show notes |
69 | It’s Time to Up Your Communication Game | 69 blog post | 69 show notes |
70 | Two Strategies You Need to Communicate Effectively I Feel Formula | 70 blog post | 70 show notes |
71 | Great Communication is All About Timing | 71 blog post | 71 show notes |
72 | If You Want to Communicate, You’ve Got to Listen First | 72 blog post | 72 show notes |
73 | Why Appreciation is Different than Gratitude | 73 blog post | 73 show notes |
74 | Gratitude Is a Gateway | 74 blog post | 74 show notes |
75 | The Three Steps to Thrive Through the Holidays (Even if You See Your Family) | 75 blog post | 75 show notes |
76 | Getting out of the Roommate Rut | 76 blog post | 76 show notes |
77 | How to Get Out of Negative Thinking | 77 blog post | 77 show notes |
78 | You’ve Got to Have High Standards and Low Expectations | 78 blog post | 78 show notes |
79 | Your Expectations Are Making You Unhappy | 79 blog post | 79 show notes |
80 | Eight Rules for Giving Great Feedback | 80 blog post | 80 show notes |
81 | Are You Falling Into the Snuggie Trap? | 81 blog post | 81 show notes |
82 | 8 Ways to Build Your Self-Confidence and Esteem | 82 blog post | 82 show notes |
83 | Is Self-Compassion the Secret to a Happy Relationship? | 83 blog post | 83 show notes |
84 | Shame: The Silent Killer in Relationships | 84 blog post | 84 show notes |
85 | Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Great | 85 blog post | 85 show notes |
86 | Best Relationship Advice: 5 Quick Wins | 86 blog post | 86 show notes |
87 | What to Do If Your Partner Is Having a Midlife Crisis | 87 blog post | 87 show notes |
88 | How to Apologize for Real (And Why It’s So Hard)! | 88 blog post | 88 show notes |
89 | How to Deal with People Who Get on Your Last Nerve | 89 blog post | 89 show notes |
90 | Best Relationship Advice: 5 Key Philosophies | 90 blog post | 90 show notes |
91 | How to Stay Sane When the World is Going Crazy | 91 blog post | 91 show notes |
92 | How to Say No and Stick to It | 92 blog post | 92 show notes |
93 | How Emotional Labor is Killing Your Relationship and What to Do About It | 93 blog post | 93 show notes |
94 | What To Do If You’re Being Treated Unfairly | N/A | 94 show notes |
95 | My Partner is Driving Me Crazy in Quarantine! | 95 blog post | 95 show notes |
96 | My Partner Won’t Listen to Me | 96 blog post | 96 show notes |
97 | How to Identify Your Relationship Blindspots | 97 blog post | 97 show notes |
98 | How Do You Build a Healthy Relationship? | N/A | 98 show notes |
99 | How to Deal with Passive-Aggressive People | 99 blog post | 99 show notes |
100 | How to Create Resilient Relationships So You Can Feel Ease, Joy and Connection | 100 blog post | 100 show notes |
Episode # | Title | Blog Post | Show Notes |
101 | The 3 Best Tools to Use in Every Relationship | 101 blog post | 101 show notes |
102 | Why Sleep is the Secret to Great Relationships | 102 blog post | 102 show notes |
103 | Ask Dr. Abby: Why Won’t My Partner Listen to Me? | 103 blog post | 103 show notes |
104 | How to Fight Fair: The 3 Rules for Having an Effective Argument | 104 blog post | 104 show notes |
105 | What to Do When the Honeymoon Phase Ends in Your Relationship | 105 blog post | 105 show notes |
106 | What to Do if My Partner is Depressed (And How to Know If They’re Just Having a Hard Time) | 106 blog post | 106 show notes |
107 | Ask Dr. Abby: What Do I Do If My Partner Wants Different Things in the Bedroom Than I Do? | 107 blog post | 107 show notes |
108 | Pandemic Burnout: How to Stay Calm and Focused | 108 blog post | 108 show notes |
109 | What to Do If Your Partner is Jealous | 109 blog post | 109 show notes |
110 | How to Stop Being Jealous in a Relationship | 110 blog post | 110 show notes |
111 | The Real Reason You Have Negative Thoughts and 2 Things You Can Do About It | 111 blog post | 111 show notes |
112 | Finally Stop Having Negative Thoughts | 112 blog post | 112 show notes |
113 | The Secret to Positive Thinking in All Your Relationships | 113 blog post | 113 show notes |
114 | The Simple Hack to Stop Your Negative Thoughts All Day | 114 blog post | 114 show notes |
115 | Three Ways to Deal with Loneliness and Isolation During the COVID Holidays and Beyond | 115 blog post | 115 show notes |
116 | Top Five Coping Skills to Deal with Family Driving You Crazy During the Holidays | 116 blog post | 116 show notes |
117 | What to Do When Someone You Love is Struggling with Drugs and Alcohol | 117 blog post | 117 show notes |
118 | How to Get Grounded and Balanced this Holiday Season | 118 blog post | 118 show notes |
119 | Tiny Habits: How Small Changes Get Big Results. An Interview with BJ Fogg | N/A | 119 show notes |
120 | Dealing with Judgmental and Critical People this Holiday Season | 120 blog post | 120 show notes |
121 | What to Do If You Don’t Like Your Partner’s Friends or Family | 121 blog post | 121 show notes |
122 | How to Deal with a Narcissist | 122 blog post | 122 show notes |
123 | What Self-Care Really Means (it’s not what you think) | 123 blog post | 123 show notes |
124 | How to Listen Without Getting Defensive and Hurt | 124 blog post | 124 show notes |
125 | 3 Tips for Effective Communication in any Relationship | 125 blog post | 125 show notes |
126 | Moving On After a Divorce or Breakup | 126 blog post | 126 show notes |
127 | Coping with Grief and Loss: From Breakups to Deaths to Losing a Job | 127 blog post | 127 show notes |
128 | How to Stop Caring So Much About What Other People Think | 128 blog post | 128 show notes |
129 | Regret Sucks: The 3-Step Process to Make it Stop | 129 blog post | 129 show notes |
130 | Self-Sabotage: What it is, Why You Do It, and How to Stop it | 130 blog post | 130 show notes |
131 | What to Do If Your Partner Threatens a Breakup or Divorce | 131 blog post | 131 show notes |
132 | Emotional Affairs: What to Do and What to Avoid | 132 blog post | 132 show notes |
133 | Negative Self-Talk and Your Inner Critic Need to Go | 133 blog post | 133 show notes |
134 | Unsupportive Friends and Family: The 5 Things You Want to Do | 134 blog post | 134 show notes |
135 | FOMO: Why You Have it and How to Make it Stop | 135 blog post | 135 show notes |
136 | Codependency Counter-Dependency and Narcissism, Oh My! | 136 blog post | 136 show notes |
137 | The 5 Signs that You’re Not Communicating | 137 blog post | 137 show notes |
138 | The Easiest and Most Effective Way to Solve Any Problem | 138 blog post | 138 show notes |
139 | Three Steps to Loving Detachment | 139 blog post | 139 show notes |
140 | How to Own Your Shit and Stop Blaming Other People | 140 blog post | 140 show notes |
141 | How to Stop Rescuing and Start Supporting | 141 blog post | 141 show notes |
142 | The 5 Ways Imposter Syndrome is Hurting All Your Relationships | 142 blog post | 142 show notes |
143 | Is Your Relationship Worth Saving | 143 blog post | 143 show notes |
144 | One-Sided Friendships: The Five-Step Process to Loving or Leaving Them | 144 blog post | 144 show notes |
145 | How to Deal with Toxic Positivity in All Your Relationships | 145 blog post | 145 show notes |
146 | Unhealed Trauma Might Be Ruining Your Relationship | 146 blog post | 146 show notes |
147 | Your People Pleasing Might Be a Trauma Response! | 147 blog post | 147 show notes |
148 | Is Porn OK in Your Relationship? | 148 blog post | 148 show notes |
149 | Negative Friends and Family: Five Steps to Deal with Emotionally Draining PeopleI | 149 blog post | 149 show notes |
150 | What to Do When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Something | 150 blog post | 150 show notes |
Episode # | Title | Blog Post | Show Notes |
151 | The Complete Guide to Effective Communication in Every Relationship | 151 blog post | 151 show notes |
152 | How to Know They’ve Stopped Listening and You’re Not Communicating Anymore | N/A | 152 show notes |
153 | The 5-Step Process to Effective Communication in Any Relationship | N/A | 153 show notes |
154 | Ask Dr. Abby: I Feel Unloved and Not Good Enough, Is this a “Me” Problem or Is My Partner Causing It? | N/A | 154 show notes |
155 | Overcoming Insecurity and Silencing Your Inner Critic | 155 blog post | 155 show notes |
156 | Ask Dr. Abby: What To Do When Your Partner Avoids Difficult Conversations | N/A | 156 show notes |
157 | Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do When a Family Member is Creating a Toxic Environment | N/A | 157 show notes |
158 | How to Let Things Go That Bother You and Not Overthink | 158 blog post | 158 show notes |
159 | Got Family Stress? How to Not Get Triggered by Family | 159 blog post | 159 show notes |
160 | When You Feel Angry and Don’t Know Why | 160 blog post | 160 show notes |
161 | Forgiveness is a Choice: Interview with Robert Enright | N/A | 161 show notes |
162 | Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do When Your Partner Blames You When Things Go Wrong | N/A | 162 show notes |
163 | How to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You in Five Steps | 163 blog post | 163 show notes |
164 | How to Overcome Guilt and Regret When Setting Boundaries | 164 blog post | 164 show notes |
165 | Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do If Your Relationship Doesn’t Feel Fair | N/A | 165 show notes |
166 | Signs That Someone Is Gaslighting You and What to Do About It | 166 blog post | 166 show notes |
167 | How to Stay Calm and Centered When Dealing with Family Stress and Dysfunction During the Holidays | 167 blog post | 167 show notes |
168 | Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do If Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Get Married | N/A | 168 show notes |
169 | What to Do If Your Partner is Conflict Avoidant Plus Dealing with Your Own Conflict Avoidance | 169 blog post | 169 show notes |
170 | Empathy in Your Relationships is the Key to Connection and Communication | 170 blog post | 170 show notes |
171 | What Do You Do If Your Partner Won’t Move In? | N/A | 171 show notes |
172 | Mismatched Sex Drive? What to Do If You Want More (or Less) Sex Than Your Partner | 172 blog post | 172 show notes |
173 | How to Stop Being Self-Conscious in All Your Relationships | 173 blog post | 173 show notes |
174 | How to Stop Being Insecure in Your Relationships | 174 blog post | 174 show notes |
175 | The 3 Big Mistakes You’re Making When Your Kids Don’t Like Your New Relationship and the One Thing You Can Do to Turn it Around | 175 blog post | 175 show notes |
176 | How to Stop Having the Same Argument: My Five Tips to Create Connection, Love and Peace Instead | 176 blog post | 176 show notes |
177 | How to Stop Being a Perfectionist So You Can Start Being Happy | 177 blog post | 177 show notes |
178 | What to Do If Someone is Defensive and Won’t Listen | 178 blog post | 178 show notes |
179 | The 7 Habits that Are Killing Your Relationship | 179 blog post | 179 show notes |
179a | BONUS Episode for My Twentysomething Listeners Who Are Looking for Happiness and Clarity in Love and Work | N/A | 179a show notes |
179b | BONUS Episode: Shana James | N/A | 179b show notes |
180 | How to Practice Self-Acceptance: My Top 5 Tips | 180 blog post | 180 show notes |
181 | Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do When Your Ex Seems Happy in a New Relationship | 181 blog post | 181 show notes |
182 | How to Have a Long, Happy Relationship Backed by Research | 182 blog post | 182 show notes |
183 | What to Do When You Can’t Let Go of Your Unhealthy Relationship | 183 blog post | 183 show notes |
184 | How to Save a Damaged Relationship: Restart Your Relationship Right Now | 184 blog post | 184 show notes |
185 | Ask Dr. Abby How to Have a Discussion with Your Partner Without it Turning into a Fight | 185 blog post | 185 show notes |
186 | Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do If Your Partner is Friends with Their Ex (and You Don’t Like It) | 186 blog post | 186 show notes |
187 | Five Research-Backed Ways to Have More Self-Discipline and Self-Control | 187 blog post | 187 show notes |
188 | The Secret to Happy, Successful Relationships: Attention and Intention | 188 blog post | 188 show notes |
189 | Ask Dr. Abby: How Can I Make My Partner Put in More Effort? | 189 blog post | 189 show notes |
190 | How Childhood Abuse and Trauma Affects Your Adult Relationships | 190 blog post | 190 show notes |
191 | How to Be an Assertive and Effective Communicator | 191 blog post | 191 show notes |
192 | Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do if You’re Embarrassed By Your Partner | 192 blog post | 192 show notes |
193 | Meditation Will Transform Your Relationships (and There’s an Easy Way to Learn) | 193 blog post | 193 show notes |
194 | How Do You Know if You Really Love Someone? | 194 blog post | 194 show notes |
195 | This One Thing Will Improve All Your Relationships: Making and Answering Bids | 195 blog post | 195 show notes |
196 | 5 Things to Do When a Conversation Gets Negative | 196 blog post | 196 show notes |
197 | Are You Staying in Your Relationship for the Right Reasons? | 197 blog post | 197 show notes |
198 | The Secret to Having Difficult Conversations | 198 blog post | 198 show notes |
199 | The 10 Questions to Ask Before Moving In or Getting Married | 199 blog post | 199 show notes |
200 | My Top 10 Tools for Effective Communication | 200 blog post | 200 show notes |
Episode # | Title | Blog Post | Show Notes |
201 | How to Be Honest and Build Trust in Your Relationships | 201 blog post | 201 show notes |
202 | Seven Tips for Ending a Relationship the Healthiest Way Possible | 202 blog post | 202 show notes |
203 | Why Awe Will Help You Have an Awesome Life and Relationships | 203 blog post | 203 show notes |
204 | Abby’s Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Day Right | 204 blog post | 204 show notes |
205 | My Top 5 Rules for Couples Who Work Together | 205 blog post | 205 show notes |
206 | How Your Attachment Style Affects Your Personal Relationships | 206 blog post | 206 show notes |
207 | How Your Attachment Style Affects You at Work | 207 blog post | 207 show notes |
208 | The Secret to Managing Your Emotions: a Step-by-Step Guide | 208 blog post | 208 show notes |
209 | The 5 Signs of Healthy Relationships | 209 blog post | 209 show notes |
210 | How to Resolve an Argument (that Didn’t Get Resolved the First Time) | 210 blog post | 210 show notes |
211 | Finding Connection Again After an Argument (with Anyone) | 211 blog post | 211 show notes |
212 | How to Stop People Pleasing | 212 blog post | 212 show notes |
213 | How to Set Boundaries at Work and Avoid Burnout | 213 blog post | 213 show notes |
214 | How to Convince Someone to Go to Therapy | 214 blog post | 214 show notes |
215 | Create Connection and Joy this Holiday Season by Doing This One Thing | 215 blog post | 215 show notes |
216 | Is it Ever a Good Idea to Get Back Together with Your Ex? | 216 blog post | 216 show notes |
217 | How Changing Your Breathing and Posture Can Change Your Life | N/A | 217 show notes |
218 | Dealing with Low Emotional Intelligence (in Yourself or Others) | 218 blog post | 218 show notes |
219 | How to Cope When a Loved One has Borderline Personality Disorder | 219 blog post | 219 show notes |
220 | Five Goals Every Couple Should Set | 220 blog post | 220 show notes |
221 | The Five Reasons People Pick Fights and the Three Things to Do About It | 221 blog post | 221 show notes |
222 | Closure: What it Really is and How to Get it | 222 blog post | 222 show notes |
223 | How to Handle Aggressive or Confrontational People | 223 blog post | 223 show notes |
224 | How to Rebuild Intimacy with Your Partner After Having Kids | 224 blog post | 224 show notes |
225 | Seven Tips for Dealing with Technology in Your Relationships | 225 blog post | 225 show notes |
226 | The Secrets to Effectively Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: Part One | 226 blog post | 226 show notes |
227 | The Secrets to Effectively Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: Part Two | 227 blog post | 227 show notes |
228 | Do Opposites Attract? What to Do When You and Your Partner Seem Like Opposites | 228 blog post | 228 show notes |
229 | Are You Being Manipulated? Learn the Signs and How to Stop It | 229 blog post | 229 show notes |
230 | Managing Different Spiritual Beliefs in Your Relationship | 230 blog post | 230 show notes |
231 | The Five Steps to Effective Negotiation in All Your Relationships | 231 blog post | 231 show notes |
232 | When They Keep Bringing up the Past and Won’t Let it Go | 232 blog post | 232 show notes |
233 | Five Things to Do When You Feel Like You’re Being Criticized | 233 blog post | 233 show notes |
234 | Are you Trauma Bonding in Your Relationships and Don’t Realize it? | 234 blog post | 234 show notes |
235 | Self-Sabotage: What it Is and How to Stop Doing It | 235 blog post | 235 show notes |
236 | Five Ways to Cultivate Self-Love | 236 blog post | 236 show notes |
237 | Should You Be Journaling? | 237 blog post | 237 show notes |
238 | How to Deal with Controlling People | 238 blog post | 238 show notes |
239 | What to Do if You’re a Control Freak (Like Me) | 239 blog post | 239 show notes |
240 | What to Do When Your Partner Changes the Rules of Your Relationship | N/A | 240 show notes |
241 | The Key to Letting Go of Resentment | 241 blog post | 241 show notes |
242 | Six Habits to Make All Your Relationships Successful | 242 blog post | 242 show notes |
243 | Do You Have Relationship OCD? | 243 blog post | 243 show notes |
244 | How to Deal with Annoying (I Mean Difficult) Coworkers | 244 blog post | 244 show notes |
245 | Why People Chase Toxic Relationships and Unavailable Partners | 245 blog post | 245 show notes |
246 | How to Deal with a Loved One Who Has ADHD | 246 blog post | 246 show notes |
247 | Adult ADHD at Work: How to Get Shit Done | 247 blog post | 247 show notes |
248 | How to Make Happier Joint Decisions with Your Partner (in 5 Easy Steps) | 248 blog post | 248 show notes |
249 | Five Tips for Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex | 249 blog post | 249 show notes |
250 | The Secret to a Happy Life and Relationships: Resilience | 250 blog post | 250 show notes |
250A | Bonus Episode: Conquering Your Quarter-life Crisis | 250A blog post | 250A show notes |
Episode # | Title | Blog Post | Show Notes |
251 | Is it Love Bombing or Codependent Affection Flooding? | 251 blog post | 251 show notes |
252 | Instead of Date Nights, Work on Micro-Connections | 252 blog post | 252 show notes |
253 | Focus on These Five Things to Make All Your Relationships Great | 253 blog post | 253 show notes |
254 | The Seven Habits of Intimate Relationships (backed by research) | 254 blog post | 254 show notes |
255 | Focus on Self-Love Not Just Self Compassion | 255 blog post | 255 show notes |
256 | The Four Ways to Solve Any Problem | 256 blog post | 256 show notes |
257 | What Patience Really is and How to Have More of It | 257 blog post | 257 show notes |
258 | Getting the Sizzle and that Loving Feeling Back in Your Relationship | 258 blog post | 258 show notes |
259 | The Five Keys to Positive Communication | 259 blog post | 259 show notes |
260 | What to Do When You Can’t Get Through to Them | 260 blog post | 260 show notes |
261 | What You Need to Know About Defense Mechanisms | 261 blog post | 261 show notes |
262 | How Do You Know When a Relationship is Over? | 262 blog post | 262 show notes |
263 | How to Keep Your Boundaries Around the Holidays | 263 blog post | 263 show notes |
264 | What to Do if Your Partner is Friends with Past Partners or Hookups | 264 blog post | 264 show notes |
265 | Learn to Hold Your Boundaries with Healthy Selfishness | 265 blog post | 265 show notes |
266 | Are Relationship Doubts Normal? | 266 blog post | 266 show notes |
267 | Why It’s Hard to Ask for Help and 3 Tips for Making it Easier | 267 blog post | 267 show notes |
268 | The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Hold Your Boundaries | 268 blog post | 268 show notes |
269 | The Five Steps to Having an Empowered Mindset | 269 blog post | 269 show notes |
270 | Having a Growth Mindset is the Key to an Empowered Mindset | 270 blog post | 270 show notes |
271 | Ask Dr. Abby: I feel on the outside with my partner, his ex and their kids | N/A | 271 show notes |
272 | Being Curious Will Improve All Your Relationships: Here’s How to Do It | 272 blog post | 272 show notes |
273 | Do the Love Languages Really Work? | 273 blog post | 273 show notes |
274 | Three Steps to Having an Amazing Valentine’s Day (Even if You’re Single) | 274 blog post | 274 show notes |
275 | Jealous of Your Partner’s Past Relationships? What Retroactive Jealousy is and My Top 5 Tips to Make it Stop | 275 blog post | 275 show notes |
276 | Is Toxic Shame Hurting Your Relationship and You Don’t Realize It? | 276 blog post | 276 show notes |
277 | How Do You Know if You’re Making the Right Decision/Following Your Gut? | 277 blog post | 277 show notes |
278 | Relationships and Money: How to Have Effective Conversations About Your Finances | 278 blog post | 278 show notes |
279 | Do You Have an Adjustment Disorder and Don’t Know It? | 279 blog post | 279 show notes |
280 | How to Effectively Deal with Triggers in Your Relationships | 280 blog post | 280 show notes |
281 | How to Take a Healthy Relationship Break: The Three Questions You Need to Ask | 281 blog post | 281 show notes |
282 | The Five Steps to Know if an Open Relationship is Right for You | 282 blog post | 282 show notes |
283 | How to Forgive Yourself: Five Tips to Let Go of Guilt, Shame and Past Regrets | 283 blog post | 283 show notes |
284 | What To Do (and Not Do) if Your Partner is Jealous | 284 blog post | 282 show notes |
285 | Feeling Misunderstood, Disrespected or Dismissed? The 3 Steps to Be Heard in Any Relationship | 285 blog post | 285 show notes |
286 | Best Dating App Advice: An Interview with the Pros | N/A | 286 show notes |
287 | You Can Change Your Personality by Doing This One Thing | 287 blog post | 287 show notes |
288 | Can Introverts and Extroverts Be in a Relationship? Three Steps for Making an Introvert/Extrovert Relationship Work | 288 blog post | 288 show notes |
289 | Should You Date While You’re Going Through Therapy and Working on Healing? | N/A | 289 show notes |
290 | The Four Ways to Be More Resilient So You Can Be Happier in All Your Relationships | 290 blog post | 290 show notes |
291 | Five Steps to Stop Ruminating and Repetitive Negative Thinking | 291 blog post | 291 show notes |
292 | Two Steps to Stop Morning Anxiety | 292 blog post | 292 show notes |
293 | How to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection and Abandonment | 293 blog post | 293 show notes |
294 | 7 Effective tools to deal with stress in your relationship | 294 blog post | 294 show notes |
295 | The Three Surprising Reasons Why Relationships Fail | 295 blog post | 295 show notes |
296 | How Do You Know If You’re in a Healthy Relationship? Five Signs to Look for | 296 blog post | 296 show notes |
Episode # | Title | Blog Post | Show Notes |
297 | How to Stop Feeling Frustrated and Angry in Your Relationships | 297 blog post | 297 show notes |
298 | How to Overcome Social Anxiety: My Top Five Tips for Creating a More Relaxed and Connected Life | 298 blog post | 298 show notes |
299 | How to Deal with Someone Being Mad at You: The Four Things You Can Do | 299 blog post | 299 show notes |
300 | Three Simple Habits to Structure and Plan Your Day so You Can Be Effective, Productive and Calm | 300 blog post | 300 show notes |
301 | Is There a Healthy Way to Cut People Off? | 301 blog post | 301 show notes |
302 | Why You Feel Lonely (Even if You Have Friends) and Three Solutions that Work | 302 blog post | 302 show notes |
303 | The Secret to Changing Your Unwanted Habits | 303 blog post | 303 show notes |
304 | Three Holistic Approaches to Your Mental Health | 304 blog post | 304 show notes |
305 | How to Identify and Overcome Your Self-Limiting Beliefs | 305 blog post | 305 show notes |
306 | Can You Trust Again After Betrayal? Three Key Areas to Heal Any Relationship | 306 blog post | 306 show notes |
307 | What Is Compassion Fatigue? Signs, Causes, and 3 Powerful Tips to Overcome It | 307 blog post | 307 show notes |
308 | How Childhood Neglect Impacts Your Adult Relationships and How to Heal: 3 Key Steps | 308 blog post | 308 show notes |
309 | How to Survive (and Enjoy!) the Holidays Without Losing Your Mind: 5 Steps for a Joyful Season | 308 blog post | 309 show notes |
310 | Radical Acceptance: 5 Steps to Embrace Reality for Lasting Peace | 310 blog post | 310 show notes |
311 | Overcoming Self-Doubt: Five Steps to Confident Decision-Making | 311 blog post | 311 show notes |
312 | The Five Steps to Resolving Conflict in Any Relationship | 312 blog post | 312 show notes |
313 | Entitlement in Relationships: How to Recognize It and Break the Cycle | 313 blog post | 313 show notes |
314 | .What to Do When They Need Constant Reassurance and Validation | 314 blog post | 314 show notes |
315 | The Big Mistake You Make When Setting Goals (and How to Actually Achieve Your Goals This Year) | 315 blog post | 315 show notes |
316 | How to Heal Yourself Emotionally: Mastering Self-Regulation for a Happier Life | 316 blog post | 316 show notes |
317 | Emotional Healing Techniques: Mastering Mindfulness and Self-Acceptance/Compassion | 317 blog post | 317 show notes |
318 | Why Body Image and Acceptance Can Be Tough: Five Steps to Make Peace with Your Body | 318 blog post | 318 show notes |
319 | How to Make Long-Distance (and Live-In) Relationships Work: Proven Tips for Building Connection and Trust | 319 blog post | 319 show notes |
320 | How to Beat Stress and Overwhelm: 8 Research-Backed Tips for a Calmer Life | 320 blog post | 320 show notes |
321 | Conscious Uncoupling: Eight Steps to Separate Peacefully | 321 blog post | 321 show notes |
322 | How to Move Past the Dysfunction or Trauma of Unhealthy Parenting | 322 blog post | 322 show notes |
323 | Reclaiming Yourself: A Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Healing and Reparenting Yourself | 323 blog post | 323 show notes |
324 | Emotional Triggers: Understanding Your Brain and How to Keep It in Check | 324 blog post | 324 show notes |
325 | Seven Powerful Techniques to Breathe Yourself to Calm | 325 blog post | 325 show notes |