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Check out our library below for past episodes.



If you’re ready to be happy with yourself, your life, and your relationships, start listening now!



Episode # Title Blog Post Show Notes
1 Three Lies Keeping You Stuck in Relationship Gridlock 1 blog post N/A
2 Keeping Score Makes You Lose 2 blog post N/A
3 Thinking Your Day Has 24 Hours is Wrong 3 blog post N/A
4 Self Awareness is the Most Important Thing in Your Relationship 4 blog post N/A
5 How to Effectively Deal with Conflict in Your Relationship click here to listen N/A
6 The Importance of Answering Bids in Your Relationship 6 blog post N/A
7 How Your Language is F*$#!ing Up Your Relationship click here to listen N/A
8 Stop Phubbing and Start Connecting 8 blog post N/A
9 Are You Codependent? click here to listen N/A
10 How to Get Out of Being Angry in Your Relationships click here to listen N/A
11 What’s Your Communication Style in Your Relationship? 11 blog post N/A
12 The 5 Secrets to Never Fighting with Your Partner Again 12 blog post N/A
13 5 Signs You’re in an Unhealthy Relationship 13 blog post N/A
14 The 5-Step Process for Getting out of Analysis Paralysis 14 blog post 14 show notes
15 8 Tips for Making Mornings Great (Even if You Have Kids) 15 blog post N/A
16 Why You Get Upset in Your Relationship 16 blog post N/A
17 Have Sex, Not a Drink 17 blog post N/A
18 How Your Lizard Brain is Keeping You Stuck 18 blog post 18 show notes
19 Make Your Relationship Awesome by Focusing on Bright Spots 19 blog post N/A
20 The Seven Beliefs About Money that Are Hurting Your Relationship 20 blog post N/A
21 My Top 6 Holiday RelationTips! 21 blog post N/A
22 Have a Couples Business Meeting 22 blog post N/A
23 What to Look for in a Couple’s Counselor 23 blog post N/A
24 It’s Not Time Management, it’s Attention Management 24 blog post N/A
25 Getting the Sizzle Back in Your Relationship 25 blog post N/A
26 The Truth About Setting Relationship Goals 26 blog post N/A
27 The 3 Keys to Building Trust in Your Relationship 27 blog post N/A
28 How to Deal with Your Control Issues 28 blog post N/A
29 What to Do if Your Partner is Controlling 29 blog post N/A
30 Boundaries: How to Make Them and How to Hold Them 30 blog post N/A
31 Fall in Love with Your Partner Again 31 blog post N/A
32 No More Date Nights 32 blog post 32 show notes
33 Finding the Spark Again (or for the First Time) 33 blog post N/A
34 Safe to Love Again: Interview with Gary Salyer N/A 34 show notes
35 Are You Being Triggered in Your Relationship? 35 blog post N/A
36 Can I ever trust my partner again if they cheated? 36 blog post N/A
37 What to Do and Not Do if Your Partner Cheats 37 blog post N/A
38 You’ve Got to Love Yourself First if You Want a Great Relationship N/A 38 show notes
39 The 8 Habits of Happy and Successful Couples 39 blog post N/A
40 How to Stop Stress from Hurting Your Relationship 40 blog post N/A
41 What Anxiety Really Is and How to Stop It 41 blog post N/A
42 Launching Your Twentysomething with Tess Brigham 42 blog post 42 show notes
43 The Secret to Changing (Relationship) Habits 43 blog post N/A
44 Relationship ESP: A Conversation with Ken Blackman N/A 44 show notes
45 How to be Heard in Your Relationship 45 blog post N/A
46 How to Bring Spirituality to Your Relationship with TJ Woodward N/A 46 show notes
47 How to Make Your Partner a Priority 47 blog post N/A
48 How Attached Are You to Your Partner? 48 blog post N/A
49 Effective Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Relationships click here to listen N/A
50 Male/Female Understanding: An Interview with Robert Kandell N/A 50 show notes
51 The 5-Step Formula for Getting to Consensus 51 blog post N/A
52 If You Want Your Partner to Change, Do This 52 blog post N/A


Episode # Title Blog Post Show Notes
53 Getting Your Sexy Back in the Kitchen with Kiele Jael N/A 53 show notes
54 How to Figure Out the Real Cause of a Problem 54 blog post 54 show notes
55 Complaining Is as Bad for You as Bacon 55 blog post 55 show notes
56 Feng Shui Your Relationship with Patricia Lohan N/A 56 show notes
57 Change Your Feelings with This One Easy Tool 57 blog post 57 show notes
58 How the Law of Attraction Works in Your Relationship 58 blog post 58 show notes
59 How to Manage Money in Every Stage of Your Relationship N/A 59 show notes
60 The Real Problem in Your Relationship 60 blog post 60 show notes
61 Keeping Score Stops You From Connecting N/A 61 show notes
62 Relationships Aren’t Fair 62 blog post 62 show notes
63 Being Happy for Your Partner = A Happy Relationship 63 blog post 63 show notes
64 How 5 Minutes of Mindfulness a Day Can Make Your Relationship Great! 64 blog post 64 show notes
65 Distraction is the Termites Eating at the Foundation of Your Relationship 65 blog post 65 show notes
66 How to Make Mindfulness a Habit 66 blog post 66 show notes
67 Four Ways to Be More Self-Aware 67 blog post 67 show notes
68 How to Stop Being Distracted 68 blog post 68 show notes
69 It’s Time to Up Your Communication Game 69 blog post 69 show notes
70 Two Strategies You Need to Communicate Effectively I Feel Formula 70 blog post 70 show notes
71 Great Communication is All About Timing 71 blog post 71 show notes
72 If You Want to Communicate, You’ve Got to Listen First 72 blog post 72 show notes
73 Why Appreciation is Different than Gratitude 73 blog post 73 show notes
74 Gratitude Is a Gateway 74 blog post 74 show notes
75 The Three Steps  to Thrive Through the Holidays (Even if You See Your Family) 75 blog post 75 show notes
76 Getting out of the Roommate Rut 76 blog post 76 show notes
77 How to Get Out of Negative Thinking 77 blog post 77 show notes
78 You’ve Got to Have High Standards and Low Expectations 78 blog post 78 show notes
79 Your Expectations Are Making You Unhappy 79 blog post 79 show notes
80 Eight Rules for Giving Great Feedback 80 blog post 80 show notes
81 Are You Falling Into the Snuggie Trap? 81 blog post 81 show notes
82 8 Ways to Build Your Self-Confidence and Esteem 82 blog post 82 show notes
83 Is Self-Compassion the Secret to a Happy Relationship? 83 blog post 83 show notes
84 Shame: The Silent Killer in Relationships 84 blog post 84 show notes
85 Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Great 85 blog post 85 show notes
86 Best Relationship Advice: 5 Quick Wins 86 blog post 86 show notes
87 What to Do If Your Partner Is Having a Midlife Crisis 87 blog post 87 show notes
88 How to Apologize for Real (And Why It’s So Hard)! 88 blog post 88 show notes
89 How to Deal with People Who Get on Your Last Nerve 89 blog post 89 show notes
90 Best Relationship Advice: 5 Key Philosophies 90 blog post 90 show notes
91 How to Stay Sane When the World is Going Crazy 91 blog post 91 show notes
92 How to Say No and Stick to It 92 blog post 92 show notes
93 How Emotional Labor is Killing Your Relationship and What to Do About It 93 blog post 93 show notes
94 What To Do If You’re Being Treated Unfairly N/A 94 show notes
95 My Partner is Driving Me Crazy in Quarantine! 95 blog post 95 show notes
96 My Partner Won’t Listen to Me 96 blog post 96 show notes
97 How to Identify Your Relationship Blindspots 97 blog post 97 show notes
98 How Do You Build a Healthy Relationship? N/A 98 show notes
99 How to Deal with Passive-Aggressive People 99 blog post 99 show notes
100 How to Create Resilient Relationships So You Can Feel Ease, Joy and Connection 100 blog post 100 show notes


Episode # Title Blog Post Show Notes
101 The 3 Best Tools to Use in Every Relationship 101 blog post 101 show notes
102 Why Sleep is the Secret to Great Relationships 102 blog post 102 show notes
103 Ask Dr. Abby: Why Won’t My Partner Listen to Me? 103 blog post 103 show notes
104 How to Fight Fair: The 3 Rules for Having an Effective Argument 104 blog post 104 show notes
105 What to Do When the Honeymoon Phase Ends in Your Relationship 105 blog post 105 show notes
106 What to Do if My Partner is Depressed (And How to Know If They’re Just Having a Hard Time) 106 blog post 106 show notes
107 Ask Dr. Abby: What Do I Do If My Partner Wants Different Things in the Bedroom Than I Do? 107 blog post 107 show notes
108 Pandemic Burnout: How to Stay Calm and Focused 108 blog post 108 show notes
109 What to Do If Your Partner is Jealous 109 blog post 109 show notes
110 How to Stop Being Jealous in a Relationship 110 blog post 110 show notes
111 The Real Reason You Have Negative Thoughts and 2 Things You Can Do About It 111 blog post 111 show notes
112 Finally Stop Having Negative Thoughts 112 blog post 112 show notes
113 The Secret to Positive Thinking in All Your Relationships 113 blog post 113 show notes
114 The Simple Hack to Stop Your Negative Thoughts All Day 114 blog post 114 show notes
115 Three Ways to Deal with Loneliness and Isolation During the COVID Holidays and Beyond 115 blog post 115 show notes
116 Top Five Coping Skills to Deal with Family Driving You Crazy During the Holidays 116 blog post 116 show notes
117 What to Do When Someone You Love is Struggling with Drugs and Alcohol 117 blog post 117 show notes
118 How to Get Grounded and Balanced this Holiday Season 118 blog post 118 show notes
119 Tiny Habits: How Small Changes Get Big Results. An Interview with BJ Fogg N/A 119 show notes
120 Dealing with Judgmental and Critical People this Holiday Season 120 blog post 120 show notes
121 What to Do If You Don’t Like Your Partner’s Friends or Family 121 blog post 121 show notes
122 How to Deal with a Narcissist 122 blog post 122 show notes
123 What Self-Care Really Means (it’s not what you think) 123 blog post 123 show notes
124 How to Listen Without Getting Defensive and Hurt 124 blog post 124 show notes
125 3 Tips for Effective Communication in any Relationship 125 blog post 125 show notes
126 Moving On After a Divorce or Breakup 126 blog post 126 show notes
127 Coping with Grief and Loss: From Breakups to Deaths to Losing a Job 127 blog post 127 show notes
128 How to Stop Caring So Much About What Other People Think 128 blog post 128 show notes
129 Regret Sucks: The 3-Step Process to Make it Stop 129 blog post 129 show notes
130 Self-Sabotage: What it is, Why You Do It, and How to Stop it 130 blog post 130 show notes
131 What to Do If Your Partner Threatens a Breakup or Divorce 131 blog post 131 show notes
132 Emotional Affairs: What to Do and What to Avoid 132 blog post 132 show notes
133 Negative Self-Talk and Your Inner Critic Need to Go 133 blog post 133 show notes
134 Unsupportive Friends and Family: The 5 Things You Want to Do 134 blog post 134 show notes
135 FOMO: Why You Have it and How to Make it Stop 135 blog post 135 show notes
136 Codependency Counter-Dependency and Narcissism, Oh My! 136 blog post 136 show notes
137 The 5 Signs that You’re Not Communicating 137 blog post 137 show notes
138 The Easiest and Most Effective Way to Solve Any Problem 138 blog post 138 show notes
139 Three Steps to Loving Detachment 139 blog post 139 show notes
140 How to Own Your Shit and Stop Blaming Other People 140 blog post 140 show notes
141 How to Stop Rescuing and Start Supporting 141 blog post 141 show notes
142 The 5 Ways Imposter Syndrome is Hurting All Your Relationships 142 blog post 142 show notes
143 Is Your Relationship Worth Saving 143 blog post 143 show notes
144 One-Sided Friendships: The Five-Step Process to Loving or Leaving Them 144 blog post 144 show notes
145 How to Deal with Toxic Positivity in All Your Relationships 145 blog post 145 show notes
146 Unhealed Trauma Might Be Ruining Your Relationship 146 blog post 146 show notes
147 Your People Pleasing Might Be a Trauma Response! 147 blog post 147 show notes
148 Is Porn OK in Your Relationship? 148 blog post 148 show notes
149 Negative Friends and Family: Five Steps to Deal with Emotionally Draining PeopleI 149 blog post 149 show notes
150 What to Do When You Can’t Stop Thinking About Something 150 blog post 150 show notes


Episode # Title Blog Post Show Notes
151 The Complete Guide to Effective Communication in Every Relationship 151 blog post 151 show notes
152 How to Know They’ve Stopped Listening and You’re Not Communicating Anymore N/A 152 show notes
153 The 5-Step Process to Effective Communication in Any Relationship N/A 153 show notes
154 Ask Dr. Abby: I Feel Unloved and Not Good Enough, Is this a “Me” Problem or Is My Partner Causing It? N/A 154 show notes
155 Overcoming Insecurity and Silencing Your Inner Critic 155 blog post 155 show notes
156 Ask Dr. Abby: What To Do When Your Partner Avoids Difficult Conversations N/A 156 show notes
157 Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do When a Family Member is Creating a Toxic Environment N/A 157 show notes
158 How to Let Things Go That Bother You and Not Overthink 158 blog post 158 show notes
159 Got Family Stress? How to Not Get Triggered by Family 159 blog post 159 show notes
160 When You Feel Angry and Don’t Know Why 160 blog post 160 show notes
161 Forgiveness is a Choice: Interview with Robert Enright N/A 161 show notes
162 Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do When Your Partner Blames You When Things Go Wrong N/A 162 show notes
163 How to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You in Five Steps 163 blog post 163 show notes
164 How to Overcome Guilt and Regret When Setting Boundaries 164 blog post 164 show notes
165 Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do If Your Relationship Doesn’t Feel Fair N/A 165 show notes
166 Signs That Someone Is Gaslighting You and What to Do About It 166 blog post 166 show notes
167 How to Stay Calm and Centered When Dealing with Family Stress and Dysfunction During the Holidays 167 blog post 167 show notes
168 Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do If Your Partner Doesn’t Want to Get Married N/A 168 show notes
169 What to Do If Your Partner is Conflict Avoidant Plus Dealing with Your Own Conflict Avoidance 169 blog post 169 show notes
170 Empathy in Your Relationships is the Key to Connection and Communication 170 blog post 170 show notes
171 What Do You Do If Your Partner Won’t Move In? N/A 171 show notes
172 Mismatched Sex Drive? What to Do If You Want More (or Less) Sex Than Your Partner 172 blog post 172 show notes
173 How to Stop Being Self-Conscious in All Your Relationships 173 blog post 173 show notes
174 How to Stop Being Insecure in Your Relationships 174 blog post 174 show notes
175 The 3 Big Mistakes You’re Making When Your Kids Don’t Like Your New Relationship and the One Thing You Can Do to Turn it Around 175 blog post 175 show notes
176 How to Stop Having the Same Argument: My Five Tips to Create Connection, Love and Peace Instead 176 blog post 176 show notes
177 How to Stop Being a Perfectionist So You Can Start Being Happy 177 blog post 177 show notes
178 What to Do If Someone is Defensive and Won’t Listen 178 blog post 178 show notes
179 The 7 Habits that Are Killing Your Relationship 179 blog post 179 show notes
179a BONUS Episode for My Twentysomething Listeners Who Are Looking for Happiness and Clarity in Love and Work N/A 179a show notes
179b BONUS Episode: Shana James N/A 179b show notes
180 How to Practice Self-Acceptance: My Top 5 Tips 180 blog post 180 show notes
181 Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do When Your Ex Seems Happy in a New Relationship 181 blog post 181 show notes
182 How to Have a Long, Happy Relationship Backed by Research 182 blog post 182 show notes
183 What to Do When You Can’t Let Go of Your Unhealthy Relationship 183 blog post 183 show notes
184 How to Save a Damaged Relationship: Restart Your Relationship Right Now 184 blog post 184 show notes
185 Ask Dr. Abby How to Have a Discussion with Your Partner Without it Turning into a Fight 185 blog post 185 show notes
186 Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do If Your Partner is Friends with Their Ex (and You Don’t Like It) 186 blog post 186 show notes
187 Five Research-Backed Ways to Have More Self-Discipline and Self-Control 187 blog post 187 show notes
188 The Secret to Happy, Successful Relationships: Attention and Intention 188 blog post 188 show notes
189 Ask Dr. Abby: How Can I Make My Partner Put in More Effort? 189 blog post 189 show notes
190 How Childhood Abuse and Trauma Affects Your Adult Relationships 190 blog post 190 show notes
191 How to Be an Assertive and Effective Communicator 191 blog post 191 show notes
192 Ask Dr. Abby: What to Do if You’re Embarrassed By Your Partner 192 blog post 192 show notes
193 Meditation Will Transform Your Relationships (and There’s an Easy Way to Learn) 193 blog post 193 show notes
194 How Do You Know if You Really Love Someone? 194 blog post 194 show notes
195 This One Thing Will Improve All Your Relationships: Making and Answering Bids 195 blog post 195 show notes
196 5 Things to Do When a Conversation Gets Negative 196 blog post 196 show notes
197 Are You Staying in Your Relationship for the Right Reasons? 197 blog post 197 show notes
198 The Secret to Having Difficult Conversations 198 blog post 198 show notes
199 The 10 Questions to Ask Before Moving In or Getting Married 199 blog post 199 show notes
200 My Top 10 Tools for Effective Communication 200 blog post 200 show notes


Episode # Title Blog Post Show Notes
201 How to Be Honest and Build Trust in Your Relationships 201 blog post 201 show notes
202 Seven Tips for Ending a Relationship the Healthiest Way Possible 202 blog post 202 show notes
203 Why Awe Will Help You Have an Awesome Life and Relationships 203 blog post 203 show notes
204 Abby’s Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Your Day Right 204 blog post 204 show notes
205 My Top 5 Rules for Couples Who Work Together 205 blog post 205 show notes
206 How Your Attachment Style Affects Your Personal Relationships 206 blog post 206 show notes
207 How Your Attachment Style Affects You at Work 207 blog post 207 show notes
208 The Secret to Managing Your Emotions: a Step-by-Step Guide 208 blog post 208 show notes
209 The 5 Signs of Healthy Relationships 209 blog post 209 show notes
210 How to Resolve an Argument (that Didn’t Get Resolved the First Time) 210 blog post 210 show notes
211 Finding Connection Again After an Argument (with Anyone) 211 blog post 211 show notes
212 How to Stop People Pleasing 212 blog post 212 show notes
213 How to Set Boundaries at Work and Avoid Burnout 213 blog post 213 show notes
214 How to Convince Someone to Go to Therapy 214 blog post 214 show notes
215 Create Connection and Joy this Holiday Season by Doing This One Thing 215 blog post 215 show notes
216 Is it Ever a Good Idea to Get Back Together with Your Ex? 216 blog post 216 show notes
217 How Changing Your Breathing and Posture Can Change Your Life N/A 217 show notes
218 Dealing with Low Emotional Intelligence (in Yourself or Others) 218 blog post 218 show notes
219 How to Cope When a Loved One has Borderline Personality Disorder 219 blog post 219 show notes
220 Five Goals Every Couple Should Set 220 blog post 220 show notes
221 The Five Reasons People Pick Fights and the Three Things to Do About It 221 blog post 221 show notes
222 Closure: What it Really is and How to Get it 222 blog post 222 show notes
223 How to Handle Aggressive or Confrontational People 223 blog post 223 show notes
224 How to Rebuild Intimacy with Your Partner After Having Kids 224 blog post 224 show notes
225 Seven Tips for Dealing with Technology in Your Relationships 225 blog post 225 show notes
226 The Secrets to Effectively Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: Part One 226 blog post 226 show notes
227 The Secrets to Effectively Dealing with Stress and Anxiety: Part Two 227 blog post 227 show notes
228 Do Opposites Attract? What to Do When You and Your Partner Seem Like Opposites 228 blog post 228 show notes
229 Are You Being Manipulated? Learn the Signs and How to Stop It 229 blog post 229 show notes
230 Managing Different Spiritual Beliefs in Your Relationship 230 blog post 230 show notes
231 The Five Steps to Effective Negotiation in All Your Relationships 231 blog post 231 show notes
232 When They Keep Bringing up the Past and Won’t Let it Go 232 blog post 232 show notes
233 Five Things to Do When You Feel Like You’re Being Criticized 233 blog post 233 show notes
234 Are you Trauma Bonding in Your Relationships and Don’t Realize it? 234 blog post 234 show notes
235 Self-Sabotage: What it Is and How to Stop Doing It 235 blog post 235 show notes
236 Five Ways to Cultivate Self-Love 236 blog post 236 show notes
237 Should You Be Journaling? 237 blog post 237 show notes
238 How to Deal with Controlling People 238 blog post 238 show notes
239 What to Do if You’re a Control Freak (Like Me) 239 blog post 239 show notes
240 What to Do When Your Partner Changes the Rules of Your Relationship N/A 240 show notes
241 The Key to Letting Go of Resentment 241 blog post 241 show notes
242 Six Habits to Make All Your Relationships Successful 242 blog post 242 show notes
243 Do You Have Relationship OCD? 243 blog post 243 show notes
244 How to Deal with Annoying (I Mean Difficult) Coworkers 244 blog post 244 show notes
245 Why People Chase Toxic Relationships and Unavailable Partners 245 blog post 245 show notes
246 How to Deal with a Loved One Who Has ADHD 246 blog post 246 show notes
247 Adult ADHD at Work: How to Get Shit Done 247 blog post 247 show notes
248 How to Make Happier Joint Decisions with Your Partner (in 5 Easy Steps) 248 blog post 248 show notes
249 Five Tips for Co-Parenting with a Toxic Ex 249 blog post 249 show notes
250 The Secret to a Happy Life and Relationships: Resilience 250 blog post 250 show notes
250A Bonus Episode: Conquering Your Quarter-life Crisis 250A blog post 250A show notes


Episode # Title Blog Post Show Notes
251 Is it Love Bombing or Codependent Affection Flooding? 251 blog post 251 show notes
252 Instead of Date Nights, Work on Micro-Connections 252 blog post 252 show notes
253 Focus on These Five Things to Make All Your Relationships Great 253 blog post 253 show notes
254 The Seven Habits of Intimate Relationships (backed by research) 254 blog post 254 show notes
255 Focus on Self-Love Not Just Self Compassion 255 blog post 255 show notes
256 The Four Ways to Solve Any Problem 256 blog post 256 show notes
257 What Patience Really is and How to Have More of It 257 blog post 257 show notes
258 Getting the Sizzle and that Loving Feeling Back in Your Relationship 258 blog post 258 show notes
259 The Five Keys to Positive Communication 259 blog post 259 show notes
260 What to Do When You Can’t Get Through to Them 260 blog post 260 show notes
261 What You Need to Know About Defense Mechanisms 261 blog post 261 show notes
262 How Do You Know When a Relationship is Over? 262 blog post 262 show notes
263 How to Keep Your Boundaries Around the Holidays 263 blog post 263 show notes
264 What to Do if Your Partner is Friends with Past Partners or Hookups 264 blog post 264 show notes
265 Learn to Hold Your Boundaries with Healthy Selfishness 265 blog post 265 show notes
266 Are Relationship Doubts Normal? 266 blog post 266 show notes
267 Why It’s Hard to Ask for Help and 3 Tips for Making it Easier 267 blog post 267 show notes
268 The #1 Reason Why You Don’t Hold Your Boundaries 268 blog post 268 show notes
269 The Five Steps to Having an Empowered Mindset 269 blog post 269 show notes
270 Having a Growth Mindset is the Key to an Empowered Mindset 270 blog post 270 show notes
271 Ask Dr. Abby: I feel on the outside with my partner, his ex and their kids N/A 271 show notes
272 Being Curious Will Improve All Your Relationships: Here’s How to Do It 272 blog post 272 show notes
273 Do the Love Languages Really Work? 273 blog post 273 show notes
274 Three Steps to Having an Amazing Valentine’s Day (Even if You’re Single) 274 blog post 274 show notes
275 Jealous of Your Partner’s Past Relationships? What Retroactive Jealousy is and My Top 5 Tips to Make it Stop 275 blog post 275 show notes
276 Is Toxic Shame Hurting Your Relationship and You Don’t Realize It? 276 blog post 276 show notes
277 How Do You Know if You’re Making the Right Decision/Following Your Gut? 277 blog post 277 show notes
278 Relationships and Money: How to Have Effective Conversations About Your Finances 278 blog post 278 show notes
279 Do You Have an Adjustment Disorder and Don’t Know It? 279 blog post 279 show notes
280 How to Effectively Deal with Triggers in Your Relationships 280 blog post 280 show notes
281 How to Take a Healthy Relationship Break: The Three Questions You Need to Ask 281 blog post 281 show notes
282 The Five Steps to Know if an Open Relationship is Right for You 282 blog post 282 show notes
283 How to Forgive Yourself: Five Tips to Let Go of Guilt, Shame and Past Regrets 283 blog post 283 show notes
284 What To Do (and Not Do) if Your Partner is Jealous 284 blog post 282 show notes
285 Feeling Misunderstood, Disrespected or Dismissed? The 3 Steps to Be Heard in Any Relationship 285 blog post 285 show notes
286 Best Dating App Advice: An Interview with the Pros N/A 286 show notes
287 You Can Change Your Personality by Doing This One Thing 287 blog post 287 show notes
288 Can Introverts and Extroverts Be in a Relationship? Three Steps for Making an Introvert/Extrovert Relationship Work 288 blog post 288 show notes
289 Should You Date While You’re Going Through Therapy and Working on Healing? N/A 289 show notes
290 The Four Ways to Be More Resilient So You Can Be Happier in All Your Relationships 290 blog post 290 show notes
291 Five Steps to Stop Ruminating and Repetitive Negative Thinking 291 blog post 291 show notes
292 Two Steps to Stop Morning Anxiety 292 blog post 292 show notes
293 How to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection and Abandonment 293 blog post 293 show notes
294 7 Effective tools to deal with stress in your relationship 294 blog post 294 show notes
295 The Three Surprising Reasons Why Relationships Fail 295 blog post 295 show notes
296 How Do You Know If You’re in a Healthy Relationship? Five Signs to Look for 296 blog post 296 show notes
Episode # Title Blog Post Show Notes
297 How to Stop Feeling Frustrated and Angry in Your Relationships 297 blog post 297 show notes
298 How to Overcome Social Anxiety: My Top Five Tips for Creating a More Relaxed and Connected Life 298 blog post 298 show notes
299 How to Deal with Someone Being Mad at You: The Four Things You Can Do 299 blog post 299 show notes
300 Three Simple Habits to Structure and Plan Your Day so You Can Be Effective, Productive and Calm 300 blog post 300 show notes
301 Is There a Healthy Way to Cut People Off? 301 blog post 301 show notes
302 Why You Feel Lonely (Even if You Have Friends) and Three Solutions that Work 302 blog post 302 show notes
303 The Secret to Changing Your Unwanted Habits 303 blog post 303 show notes
304 Three Holistic Approaches to Your Mental Health 304 blog post 304 show notes

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